Can MCG Detect Metabolic Heart Dysfunctions while All Conventional Tests Fail?
The answer is "YES," absolutely, 100%, especially for those who have pre-diabetes or Diabetes among many "known or unknown" root causes. Here is why with supporting evidence and examples.
MCG is unique in detecting supply and demand imbalance of the cardiovascular system physiologically by all causes, such as metabolic heart dysfunctions due to pathogen exposures, autoimmune dysfunctions, obesity, poor sedentary stressful lifestyle, substance abuse, eating Sugar (Fructose)-, seed oils-, and transfat-laced processed food, environmental toxin/pollutant exposures, Fatty Liver Disease, Prediabetes, and Diabetes, among many other '“known or unknown" root causes.
Japanese Society of Ningen Dock presented at its annual conference in 2016. They concluded that MCG detects metabolic dysfunctions better than any test in existence. We have demonstrated our technology’s ability to detect and assist in diagnosing the functional differences between people who have no diabetes vs. people with prediabetes and diabetes. Thus, the academic members of Society Ningen Dock declared: “MCG is the best screening tool for cardiovascular and cardiometabolic diseases.” This acknowledgment has led Keio University Hospital, in the middle of Tokyo, to adopt our technology for screening company executives and employees for cardiovascular and cardiometabolic dysfunctions.
MCG Technology stands alone (see examples below) in the early detection and monitoring of the cardiovascular system’s supply and demand imbalances due to any root cause, be it metabolic, lifestyle, alcohol or drug abuse, eating processed foods, chronic exposures to radiation, environmental toxins, or highly stressful living conditions, etc. when all the legacy tests fail to detect.
To illustrate how MCG is helping people make better diagnoses every day, I included some great case examples below:
Two great case examples of “Syndrome X” in both men and women:
This first story, told by my friend and colleague Dr. William Besterman, M.D., is another startling case of a woman suffering from the infamous "Syndrome X" for years without a proper diagnosis; she is a retired ICU nurse:
Millions of women suffer because of this undiagnosed “syndrome,” MCG fundamentally solves this problem.
Bill Besterman is a well-known expert in OMT, Optimal Medical Therapy.
He believes that MCG will improve OMT and increase adoption.
Here is one of our tens of thousands of cases as a perfect example of the detection of diabetic metabolic heart disease, or a “Syndrome X” case, in a 43-year-old double-click male:
In this case, MCG not only detected and quantified his dangerous Cardiometabolic disease but also tracked his functional recovery. No other test in the world can perform this type of available analysis to save lives from untimely heart attacks, heart failure, or sudden cardiac death.
MCG detects and measures the cardiovascular cardiometabolic consequences of this patient's obesity, insulin resistance, and hyperinsulinemia due to processed food and sugar overload.
The following story perfectly illustrates how MCG detects the signs of metabolic heart dysfunctions in a 42-year-old business executive and monitors him for over a year during his lifestyle optimization efforts, resulting in excellent recovery and reversal of his metabolic heart dysfunctions, probably due to insulin resistance and chronic exposures to highly stressful lifestyle:
He is a perfect candidate for a well-thought-out corporate wellness program to ensure the survival of the management team. How much is that worth to a company?
The following story exemplifies what happens when everything else fails, how MCG (for less than ten minutes at a patient’s bedside) triumphed to help a patient presenting to an ER suffering from an episode of hypertensive crisis and early-stage acute heart failure, and how MCG could help ANY clinician, cardiology or not, become a better diagnostician. This case means a better patient experience without all the high costs (tens of thousands of dollars), uncertainty of the diagnosis, time-consuming (weeks or even months visiting multiple clinics, hospitals, and specialists), and suffering from the more invasive and much less effective and inaccurate diagnostic procedures used in the unscalable 20th Century Failing Legacy Analog MedDouble-click 2.0:
As a matter of facts and data we have gathered and investigated in depth, the examples presented above represent the overwhelming majority of chest pain patients presenting to a clinic or an ER. Therefore, we declare that associating chest pains exclusively with the ALL MIGHTY “Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease” and “plaque ruptures” is a religious belief from the “expert opinions,” not based on facts and evidence.
This example illustrates the need for MCG for people maximally treated with legacy medical and interventional procedures in the legacy world. The patient himself is a semiretired 69-year-old physician! He received coronary bypass surgery, living a vegan lifestyle, thought to have maximized his treatment options. He wanted to adopt our technology and used himself as a pilot to see if MCG deserved adoption:
The following example is a 54-year-old woman with a very difficult to diagnose Dextrocardia and suspected coronary artery disease. She went to Columbia University Hospital and went through a battery of tests. Then, she decided to give MCG a try. The results, in ten (10) minutes for $500, at her bedside, MCG detected her coronary ischemia perfectly, while all the time-consuming (weeks ) telescoping of tests costing tens (multiple of $ 10,000) of thousands, performed at Columbia University predictively over-estimated her conditions and risked her for unnecessary invasive coronary angiogram plus ALL the potential harm of injury and death:
The following case is how MCG saved a 70-year-old business owner from a deadly Pulmonary Embolism/Deep Vein Thrombosis and severe episode of dehydration by detecting and monitoring his functional deterioration and recovery in six weeks:
This is a long-term ten-(10)-year-monitoring and follow-up of a 40-year-old who suffered and survived Hodgkins Lymphoma, treated with chemotherapy and two attempts of bone marrow transplants. He also experienced CCP Virus (COVID-19) infections and survived that as well.
The final case is a cautionary and tragic example of how the conventional legacy system failed this father and husband and saved him from his preventable death from severe metabolic, stress-induced, and coronary ischemia:
Proper and straightforward lifestyle optimization adjustments could have saved his life. He could still be with his family. Cases like this remind us of our lifelong mission: we must keep going forward, and MCG must prevail!
So, in the end, the question is: What does MCG measure?
In my writings, MCG directly measures the mitochondrial biological cellular network dynamic energy (ATP) production, density, and fluctuations. The mitochondrial biological energy generating network contains an estimated 70-100k trillion mitochondria, supporting our lives by providing the energy needed for humans to thrive. Our digital deep learning neural network system is designed to use its empirically discovered and diligently verified validated quinquinquagintillion or 10x10168 parameters carrying ten (10x) times the complexity of its biological counterpart, the mitochondrial physical network, to explore ways to improve diagnosis. MCG is the only proven safe and effective tool that enables early detection and monitoring of the effectiveness of diagnostic and treatment options objectively and ethically. In other words, MCG is the ONLY non-invasive, safe, and effective digital surface interfacing Deep Machine/Human Learning Neural Network Technology platform that measures the balance between the well-conserved cellular ancient nutrient-sensing mTOR pathway and the AMPK pathway; mTOR regulates growth and programmed aging, and the AMPK governs cellular level autophagy and programmed survival and revival. Exciting evidence is emerging on the impact of both the Sirtuin Pathway and Insulin Signaling. Our customers are collecting massive amounts of data on testing prediabetes and diabetes. I will let them report their findings objectively and ethically without the industry standard pay-to-play practice, quid pro quo, or our involvement. MCG Technology is “the tip of the spear,” ushering the fundamental paradigm shift into the 21st Century Med 3.0 model for early detection, enabling primary lifestyle optimization to eliminate all chronic diseases. The table below highlights the startling contrast between MCG Technology and the rest of the legacy tests: Welcome to the exciting new world of 100% ethical, patient-centered, and empirical data-evidence-driven 21st Century Digital Med 3.0!
The table above spells out ALL, and Help is on the way! MCG saves lives 24/7/365 around the clock; one day, it will come to preserve and protect yours!
People might ask, “Why do we even bother?” Here is why: Physician misdiagnosis and other medical errors are now the number one killer of Americans, nearly 800,000 annually; that is more than the number of people killed by heart disease and cancer.…
I want to quote Walt Whitman: "Love the earth and sun and animals, Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, Stand up for the stupid and crazy, Devote your income and labor to others. And your very flesh shall be a great poem."
While we were at it, Paracelsus said, “The patient is the doctor, and the doctor is his assistant.”
Yup, all true. Now, we have a tool to explore beyond manufactured boundaries, uncover the truth about the real root cause of the disease, and usher in an objective and patient-centered physiological functional world of new medicine 3.0 for the 21st Century we ALL deserve!
Med. 3.0 has arrived!
Finally, this most recently reported example is a constant reminder of why we have worked tirelessly and consistently, despite the tremendous challenges, for so many years to create MCG:
“The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture past them and explore the impossible.” - Arthur C. Clarke.
Joseph T. Shen, MD, an emancipated enslaved physician, self-taught pioneer of BioCybernetic Systems Information Technology Engineer
Founded Computational BioCybernetics & Lagrangian Mechanics Systems Engineering Technologies
Researcher and Technology Developer
Managing Member
Premier Heart, LLC
Premier Heart International, LLC
Premier Heart Japan, Inc.
Emergency MCG USA, Inc.
110 Main Street, Suite 201-88
Port Washington, NY 11050
Tel: 516-883-3383 ex 8102
Fax: 516-883-5812
Mobile: 516-603-6368 (Please alert me who you are with a text message first; please do not respond to unknown numbers. I WILL respond as soon as possible.)